Saturday, 29 September 2012

I Think I Go To The Cinema Too Much!

Hi there Folks,

So as I may have mentioned, I love the cinema! My boyfriend and I go near enough every Wednesday...because we're cool! Now I'm pretty sentimental and for some reason or another decided to keep every set of cinema tickets for near enough every film we've been to see since January 2011. I know, I really am just too cool!

So anyway, I had all these tickets floating about the house and I decided that I really should utilise them in some way otherwise they'll just sit in a box forever more. So this is what I did...

I made some wall art to hang proudly in our home so all the world can see what film nerds we are. And we have spent some nice dinner times reminiscing on all the films we've seen together. It was really simple to make and literally just involved me arranging them into some kind of order and sticking them down with double sided tape. I then popped it in an Ikea frame and Bob is your Uncle.

Please tell me there are others out there who are as nerdy as this? I'm not the only one that hoards cinema tickets and cards am I?!

Ciao for now,


  1. So clever and so effective.

  2. I like what you have done and I may not throw much away but I do not enough tickets to make into something like this. (oh and that and the fact that the last time I went to the cinema to see a grown up film is a long time ago!!)

    1. Haha, thank you! I do go to the cinema far more than the average person, but it has still taken nearly 2 years to accumulate this many tickets!

  3. It's really effective and a nice reminder of all the films you've seen. Can't remember the last time I went to see a film though!

    1. Thank you :] If it wasn't for Orange Wednesday's I wouldn't go anywhere near as much, the cinema is so expensive without it!

  4. Love that! Really cool. You could photocopy them (have to take them out of the frame though) and then reduce the image and put them onto cards. I think they'd be really brilliant. Cut the photocopy paper up into hearts and add Love Film at the bottom. Or make bunting with the photocopy images, or gift tags - I'm inspired - think I'll have to start going to the cinema too!!! (and keeping all the tickets)!

    1. Oooh they are such good ideas Adaliza!! I hadn't thought of that but now you mention it I think they would look so sweet, I may well have to do that...thank you so much for your lovely comment! :]

  5. I think that's great!
    I'm not such a cinema fan, it's theatre for me but I do keep all the tickets as well as programmes so it may inspire me to do something similar :)
