Sunday, 20 January 2013


Hi there Folks,

I'm so naughty, I totally said in like November that I was going to start blogging regularly again...epic fail!! I won't make up any excuses, I just did not have the time. So I thought I'd write a little update of what's been going down over the last couple of months! In the 6 weeks before Xmas I was on placement, which was such a wonderful experience, but what with having to plan what I was actually going to do with the clients, plus research, plus writing reflections and working in the evenings and weekends, I was just spent!

Then it was christmas, which was wonderful! It was the first one my boyfriend and I had actually spent together which was so nice, every year my parents say they aren't doing a big christmas and they definitely lie! So yes, it was lovely to go back home and spend time with both out families and eat, drink and be merry!

Then I had my dreaded assessments...urgh! They really seemed to step it up a level in third year, I didn't think they'd be too bad and I never really get stressed about work, but this time I did! But three weeks of solid work, two written assignments, one presentation and one all nighter later and I'm done! Well, at least until the next lot are due in...slightly terrifying that in 7 months I will (hopefully, touch wood) be a fully qualified occupational therapist!! EEEEK!!

So yes, this has been my life! I really want to try hard to at least put three posts up a week, I'm not going to make any promises as I'm pretty sure that my work load is going to go through the roof very soon, but I will try my best!

I thought I'd share a few photos with you all of what I've been up to lately, just to liven things up a bit! Ooh also, I'm trying to do some sort of photo a day challenge on my instagram (jordybuzz), so feel free to follow to get a daily snippet of my life, come say hi if you do!

birthday meal - sonicleanse - pretty ice - xmas stockings - xmas tree - my dog having a rummage - uni work - two of my faves - kindle time - cosy socks - amazing film - make up play time. 

Hope you're all well!

Ciao for now,


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